Lorenz Schmid, Michel Kessler, Livia Eggler
In 1984 (14 years after the definition of the Unix-Time) Joseph Beuys realized his work Olivestone. The work consists of five old limestone basins used for oil decanting in the Pescara region of Italy. In the limestone basins he has set a matching, hand-made lime block, so that only a fine joint between the basin and the limestone block remains. This gap was then filled with olive oil, so that the limestone block in the basin is slightly covered. Olive oil turns this work into a chemical system, indeed into a living organism. It is also the attempt of a vegetable-mineral compound. Lucrezia De Domizio Durini calls Olivestone a probe, “as an instrument that can record and broadcast information.” And she goes on to write: “The elements of Olivestone create an atypical communication process that is chronologically paradoxical.” While the limestone basin represents the past, the limestone block stands for the present and the oil for the future. In the course of the centuries to come, the oil should sink into the rock more and more, until it has been transformed back into the fertile primeval slime from which it originated fifty million years ago in a prehistoric sea.